About me - [Unknown]

본문 바로가기

사이트 내 전체검색

현재: 약 50만 다운로드 / 목표: 글로벌 5,000만 다운로드 이상
인기 국가: 한국,인도,미국,홍콩,오스트리아,일본,스위스

[ Android Application Links ]
Since 2011.03

ⓐ 정각알림(OnTimeAlarm)
ⓑ 알람포미(Alarm4Me)
ⓒ 플래시온(FlashOn)
ⓓ 와이파이온오프위젯
    (WifiOnOff4 Widget)
ⓔ 폴더플레이어포미
ⓕ 리코더포미(Recorder4Me)
ⓖ 리사이즈픽포미
ⓗ 언인스톨러포미
ⓘ 배터리포미(Battery4Me)
ⓙ 볼륨맨포미

About me - [Unknown]

About me - [Unknown]

Hello! I'm GreatDragon.Kim


Edge Of Chaos...(www.GreatDragonKim.com)



* Life Plan

1. Waikiki beach Coding(Hawaii) - Mission Completed.

2. Writing book with english and Publishing in Amazon America/England. - Mission Continue...

3. Getting 50,000,000 global mobile app users. - Mission Continue...

4. Donate some of the revenue from the free mobile app every year. - Mission Continue... 

5. Coding up to 70 years old. - Mission Continue... 


- Professor(Adjunct, Computer Engineering & Information Telecommunication).

Prime Minister's certification(or letter) of commendation at year 2013 in Republic of Korea(Software Industry).

- SW Creator and Distributor(14 Android Apps on google play from year 2011).  

   Donating some of the revenue from the free mobile app every year. - Community Service Center or Scholarship.

- SW Technical Book Author - 4 Books(from year 2007), South Korea and Amazon China.

   Donating 1% of Book Royalty. - Beautiful Foundation.










안드로이드 애플리케이션 테스트에 사용하고 있는 스마트폰들
Galaxy Folder2(Android 6.0), Galaxy S10+(Android 11), LG V50(Android 10), Galaxy S9+(Android 10), Redmi Note7(Android 9)
Galaxy S7(Android 8.0), Galaxy S5(Android 6.0), Nexus 5x(Android 8.1), G4(Android 7.0), Redmi 4 Prime(Android 6.0)
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